Roadmap to a Smoke-free England by 2030


An estimated 34 million days a year are lost in England and Wales through sickness absence resulting from a smoking-related illness*. Further reductions in productivity stem from smokers taking regular smoking breaks at work.

How do you encourage a healthy, happy workforce and increase productivity?

Employers, you may be aware that the government aim to make smoking history by 2030, but how can you help your employees quit?

The Government admits this will be “extremely challenging”, particularly in areas of deprivation and among people living with mental health conditions and will require “bold action to both discourage people from starting in the first place, and to support smokers to quit.”

More than one in four routine and manual workers smoke, compared to only one in ten managerial and professional workers and more than a third of those with mental health conditions smoke.

Can employers support smokers to quit?

Yes, absolutely, and it is simple with stop smoking support from the Working and Wellness team of dedicated specialist practitioners.

Employers are not legally obliged to offer support to help employees to quit smoking. However, there is evidence that smokers who get the right support are 3 times as likely to quit successfully and the benefits for employers are huge.

  • Increased productivity at work
  • Reduced sickness absence
  • Improved staff morale
  • Pleasant working environment
  • Good corporate image

Here at Working and Wellness delivered by Everyone Health, we provide your business with help and support from our qualified experienced practitioners.

Call the WW team today on 0333 005 0095 and make this your first step to a healthier workforce.

For more information on all the workplace services we offer click here!

*Reported by the Faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.


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