National No Smoking Day

crushed cigarette

National No Smoking Day falls on the 8th March this year. It is a day used to spread awareness about the negative effects of smoking and encourage smokers to quit. So why not quit today and start your journey to a smoke and nicotine free life.

Whether you’re on the journey of trying to quit smoking or want to help a friend or loved one quit, here are some reasons why quitting is the best decision to make this national no smoking day.

  • You will save money from no longer buying cigarettes- this money could be used towards rewards such as cinema trips out.
  • Within days of quitting your sense of taste and smell will begin to improve*
  • Within weeks of quitting you will experience less coughing and see an improvement in your lung function
  • Within a year your risk of coronary heart disease will cut by half.**
  • You can add up to 10 years onto your life expectancy***.

Taking the decision to quit smoking will not only benefit the smoker but can benefit those around them. Quitting smoking is known to make you feel more positive**** and will remove the risk of second-hand smoke affecting the health of those around you.

We can help you commit to your quit – call 0333 005 0095 for support today.

It’s never too late to start your smoke free journey.





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